Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gaza and the Sea

gaza and the sea

May 31, 2010 at 4:32pm
Gaza and the Sea
Is it just a new-fangled scenario that add to our grieve? Is it an added collection of martyrs ? Should we rejoice the joining of International martyrs to the flock of Palestinian Martyrdom ?
Israel once again ….preparing itself since the morning to criminalize the victims and spreading salt on the dead bodies and hindering injuries and again and again diffusing its devilish face this time in frontage of the world..
How many crimes are still left for Israel to commit .
Observing its terror army movement all week long , it was so obvious that the thirst to blood was urgent.
Is this arrogance ? violating not just humanitarian laws , international laws, attacking on international waters , killing deliberately innocent people , shots directly in the heads.
Or is it simply the real face of a criminal existence.. is it Fascism or Despotism or is it merely Israelism ?
Should we applaud to the world of what is left of humanity their joining to the world of Palestinianism?
A world where bloodshed doesn’t count up …where human beings are degraded and lives do not reckon.
And another decent Palestinian ,Sheikh Raed Salah, next to all those innocents who joined the mass of Palestinian Martyrdom ,might be joining the mass, with an unknown destiny if he is still alive struggling for his life or he is already there in that apparently spacious pace of martyrs ……..
In a place where there is no meaning for life , maybe … a path of death is a real salvation …
Maybe now the whole world can understand ,why we Palestinians value death more than life ….
Maybe now the world can join us in our grievance to what used to be humanity…..the world can feel the bitterness of our deaths , our aspiration towards the unknown, our longing for bereavement …..
May all those souls have existent rest in another world where justice could be deployed.
Nadia Harhash

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